Thursday, September 3, 2009

Some Mobile Manners

The mobiles industry wants as many people as possible to enjoy the benefits of mobile telecommunications and encourages individuals to use their mobile phones in a responsible manner and to be considerate and aware of situations where using their mobile phone might annoy others.

1. When in doubt, always go out

When possible go outside or to another room to make your call if your call might disturb others. Also, features such as text messaging answering services, call diversion and vibration alert can be used to receive important calls without disturbing others.

2. If you can't turn it off, use silent mode

If you need to keep your phone on for important calls, then turn it to silent or
vibrate mode. It's the ring of a mobile phone in inappropriate places and times
such as at the tennis or in restaurants which annoys people the most.

3. When required turn your phone off and check it's off

There are some places where people should never talk on a mobile phone or send text messages and where the ringing of a mobile phone or message alert is considered highly unacceptable, such as: movies, stage shows, weddings, funerals, concerts, speeches, classrooms and lectures. In these cases, turn your phone off and remember to check it's off before you enter the venue. You can always check your voicemail, text messages or your answering service afterwards.

4. Keep your conversations private

People's sense of personal space varies in each situation. Making a call in a
busy place may be okay, but talking loudly in a confined space like a lift or on
a train tends to infringe on others personal space. Be aware of where you are
and who you are with and what others are doing before deciding to make or
accept a call. In some situations it might be better to send a text message.

5. Speak softly

Mobile phones have very sensitive microphones that can pick even the softest
voice, so there is no need to shout. If you are having trouble hearing the other
caller, check that you have the volume on your phone set high enough.

6. You don't always have to answer- use your messaging service

It's a natural reflex to answer your phone if it rings, however, if you forget to
put your phone on silent or vibrate mode and it rings at an inappropriate moment, send the call to voice mail or your answering service (usually by pressing the hang-up key).

7. Talk to the one you're with

If you receive a call during a conversation, send the call to your voicemail
or answering service. Your first priority should be to the person you are with.
However, if you are expecting an important call let the person you're with know before the call arrives and excuse yourself before accepting the call.

8. Don't send inappropriate messages

Messaging is a great way to communicate, but don't send offensive or threatening text, voice, picture or any other sort of message, because it is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone to menace or harass someone. Also receivers can save messages and easily identify you as the sender.

9. Respect others' privacy when using in-phone cameras

In-phone cameras shouldn't be used anywhere a normal camera would be considered inappropriate, such as in change rooms or toilets. You should ask for permission before you take someone's picture. Also bear in mind that some venues do not allow the use of cameras and may refuse entry to anyone with one.

10. Ban the ring: not the phone

Wherever conversations are normally acceptable, venues can help by asking people to turn their phones to silent or vibrate mode rather than turning it off. This approach will help with compliance, especially for people who need their phone for important calls. Venues can also assist by reminding people to set their phones to silent mode, before they enter.

src : Taman2Syurga

Pantun Raya


Make ikke cicoh budu
Jange lupo tamboh satar
Kelik rayo taksir laju
Nanti rayo dale sepita

Terengganu.. .

Makang ubi jamang jepong
Makang kepok cicah cuke
Bulang pose mung bengong
Bulang raye mung gile


Sepadan Pahang ada kasino
Nasi dagang ikan patin
Jange mu masam muko
Raya makan rendang sadin


Cegitu cegini awak suke
Awak suke kite tak suke
Esok luse hari raye
Sama-sama bersuke rie


Hawau kau berak merate
Kaki bengkak ulau patok
Kalu balik naik kerete
Jangan pandu kalau ngantok

N. Sembilan...

Masak lomak cili api
Campo dongan! daun turi
Hari rayo kolumpo sopi
Tinggal penyamun dongan pencuri

(org kolumpo jgn kocik ati!!)

Selangor/K.Lumpur. ..

Wa cakap lu wa tak tau
Tapi wa tipu sama lu
Raya jangan buat tak tau
Angpau ada bagi gua dulu


Gulai tempoyak ikan mayong
Deroyan busok tebok tupai
Pandu hemat ingat kampong
Asal teman selamat sampai


Aloq Staq terketaq-ketaq
Lapaq perut makan pau
Macam mana tak ketaq
Kena paksa bagi angpau


Nasi kandaq kedai mamak
Anak mami juai pesemboq
Lepas raya usah dok triak
Kalu ceti mai ikut dapoq


Padang besaq kecik aja
Tempat siam lalu lalang
Hari raya kita berbelanja
Jangan sampai menambah utang

src : Taman2Syurga

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

NO roti canai or Nasi lemak for breakfast . Remember !


Seorang sahabat saya yang mengambil kursus Sport Science dari UPM memberitahu sekiranya kita mula bekerja pada umur 20 tahun dan makan sebiji roti canai setiap hari, kita mungkin tida k akan hidup sehingga umur 55 tahun. Kenapa? Sebiji roti canai mengandungi kalori sama dengan 5 KM berjogging. Maknanya sekiranya kita jogging sejauh 5 km, lepas tu kita sapu sebiji roti canai serupalah kita tak jogging langsung. Dah tu kadang-kadang sapu sampai 2 biji dan langsung tak jogging.

Selain dari itu, terdapat so much oil in roti canai. Nak uli tepung, taruh minyak, nak canai, taruh minyak,nak goreng taruh minyak. Dah tu, minyak tukang roti pun masuk sekali (peluh dia). Bila kita exercise, kita peluh. Penyakit keluar bersama peluh, itu pasal kita sihat bila berpeluh. Sekarang, kita makan tukang roti canai punya penyakit pulak. Lagi satu, jangan makan roti canai yang tukang buatnya pakai cincin sebelah kiri. Faham-faham ajelah. Sebagai alternatif, makanlah capati. Makan 8-10 keping capati sehari pun no problem, anda akan menjadi sihat dan kuat.


Nasi lemak pulak kandungan santannya tinggi. So cholesterolnya tinggi. Prof.Ungku Aziz ditanya apakah rahsia beliau sihat physical & minda pada umur 85. Dia cakap, dia tak makan atau jarang sekali makan nasi lemak seperti kebanyakkan orang Melayu.


As many of us are approaching 30 yrs old with some are already in 30s, we should be kind and gentle to our body. The least that we could do is to be moderate in everything we do and watch out on our food intake. Eat healthy food.

Breakfast - Heart Attack

For those who always skip breakfast, drink at least a glass of orange juice.stay healthy! :) You’ve heard many times that “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Now, recent research confirms that one of the worst practices you can develop may be avoiding breakfast. Why?

Because the frequency of heart attack, sudden death, and stroke peaks between 6:00 a.m.and noon,with the highest incidence being between 8:00 a.m.and 10:00 a.m.

What mechanism within the body could account for this significant jump in sudden death in the early morning hours? We may have an answer. Platelets, tiny elements in the blood that keep us from bleeding to death if we get a cut, can clump together inside our arteries due to cholesterol or plaque buildup in the artery lining. It is in the morning hours that platelets become the most activated and tend to form these internal blood clots at the greatest frequency.

However, eating even a very light breakfast prevents the morning platelet activation that is associated with heart attacks and strokes. Studies performed at MemorialUniversityin St.Johns,Newfoundland found that eating a light, very low-fat breakfast was critical in modifying the morning platelet activation. Subjects in the study consumed either low-fat or fat-free yogurt, orange juice, fruit, and a source of protein coming from yogurt or fat-free milk).

So if you skip breakfast, it’s important that you change this practice immediately in light of this research. Develop a simple plan to eat cereal, such as oatmeal or Bran Flakes, along with six ounces of grape juice or six ounces of orange juice, and perhaps a piece of fruit. This simple plan will keep your platelets from ticking together, keep blood clots from forming, and perhaps head off a potential heart attack or stroke.

src :

Saturday, April 25, 2009


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful

السﻼم عليكم

The area of research seems borderless... I'm so full of knowledge after reading dis article...!!

1. Dari mana asal kentut?
Dari gas dalam usus.
Gas dalam usus berasal dari udara yg kita telan, gas yang menerobos ke usus dari darah, gas dari reaksi kimia dan gas dari bakteria dalam perut.

2. Apa komposisi kentut?
Bervariasi. Makin banyak udara anda telan, makin banyak kadar nitrogen dalam kentut (oksigen dari udara diaserap oleh tubuh sebelum sampai di usus). Adanya bakteria serta reaksi kimia antara asam perut dan cairan usus menghasilkan karbon dioksida. Bakteria juga menghasilkan metana dan hidrogen. Propors masing-masing gas tergantung apa yang anda makan, berapa banyak udara tertelan, jenis bakteria dalam usus, berapa lama kita menahan kentut. Makin lama menahan kentut, makin besar proporsi nitrogen, kerana gas-gas lain terserap oleh darah melalui dinding usus. Orang yang makannya tergesa-gesa kadar oksigen dalam kentut lebih banyak kerana tubuhnya tidak sempat menyerap oksigen.

3. Kenapa kentut berbau busuk?
Bau kentut kerana kandungan hidrogen sulfida & merkaptan. Kedua bahan ini mengandung sulfur (belerang). Makin banyak kandungan sulfur dalam makanan anda, makin banyak sulfida & merkaptan diproduksi oleh bakteri dalam perut & makin busuklah kentut anda.. Telur & daging mempunyai peranan besar dalam memproduksi bau busuk kentut. Kacang-kacang berperanan dalam memproduksi volume kentut bukan dalam kebusukannya.

4. Kenapa kentut menimbulkan bunyi?
Kerana adanya vibrasi lubang `anus` saat kentut diproduksi. Kerasnya bunyi bergantung pada kecepatan gas.

5. Kenapa kentut yg busuk itu hangat & tidak berbunyi?
Salah satu sumber kentut adalah bakteria. Fermentasi bakteria & proses pencernaan memproduksi panas, hasil sampingannya adalah gas busuk. Ukuran gelembung gas lebih kecil dan hangat dengan produk metabolisme bakteria yg berbau busuk. Ini kemudiannya menjadi kentut, walau hanya kecil volumenya,tapi SBD (Silent But Deadly)

6. Berapa banyak kentut diproduksi sehari?
Rata-rata setengah liter sehari dalam 14 kali kentut.

7. Mengapa kentut keluar melalui lubang dubur?
Kerana density-nya lebih ringan, kenapa gas kentut tidak melakukan perjalanan ke atas? Tidak demikian. Gerak peristaltik usus mendorong isinya ke arah bawah. Tekanan di sekitar `anus` lebih rendah. Gerak peristaltik usus menjadikan ruang mempunyai tekanan, sehingga memaksa isi usus, termasuk gas-nya untuk bergerak ke kawasan yang bertekanan lebih rendah, iaitu sekitar `anus`. Dalam perjalanan ke arah `anus` gelembung-gelembung kecil bergabung jadi gelembung besar. Kalau tidak ada gerak peristaltik, gelembung gasakan menerobos ke atas lagi, tapi tidak terlalu jauh, kerana bentuk usus yg rumit & berbelit-belit.

8. Berapa waktu yang diperlukan oleh kentut untuk melakukan perjalanan ke hidung orang lain?
Bergantung kepada kondisi udara, seperti kelembaban, suhu, kecepatan & arah angin, berat molekul gas kentut, jarak antara 'transmitter' dengan 'receiver'. Begitu meninggalkan sumbernya, gas kentut menyebar & konsentrasinya berkurang. Kalau kentut tidak dikesan dalam beberapa detik, bererti ianya mengalami pengcernaan di udara & hilang ditelan udara selama-lamanya. Kecuali kalau anda kentut di ruang sempit, seperti lift, kereta, konsentrasinya lebih banyak, sehingga baunya akan berlegar dalam waktu yang agak lama sampai akhirnya diserap dinding.

9. Apakah setiap orang kentut?
Sudah pasti, kalau masih hidup. Sesaat setelah meninggalpun orang masih boleh kentut.

10. Betulkah lelaki kentut lebih kerap daripada perempuan?
Tidak ada kaitannya dengan gender... Kalau benar, bererti perempuan menahan kentutnya, & apabla mahu kentut, banyak sekali jumlah yg dikeluarkan.

11. Saat apa biasanya orang kentut?
Pagi hari di toilet. yang disebut "morning thunder". Kalau resonansinya bagus, boleh didengar di seluruh penjuru rumah.

12.. Mengapa makan kekacang menyebabkan banyak kentut?
Kekacang mengandung zat gula yg tidak boleh dicerna tubuh. Gula tersebut (raffinose, stachiose, verbascose) jika sampai di usus, bakteria di usus berpesta & membuat banyak gas. Jagung, kubis, susu juga penyebab banyak kentut (bukan baunya!).

13. Selain makanan, apa lagi penyebab kentut?
Udara yang tertelan, makan terburu-buru, makan tanpa dikunyah, minum `soft drink`, naik pesawat udara (kerana tekanan udara lebih rendah, sehingga gas di dalam usus mengalami ekspansi & muncul sebagai kentut).

14. Apakah kentut sama dengan sendawa, tapi muncul dari lain lubang?
Tidak... sendawa muncul dari perut, komposisi kimianya lain dengan kentut. Sendawa mengandung udara lebih banyak, kentut mengandung gas yang diproduksi oleh bakteria lebih banyak.

15. Kemana perginya gas kentut kalau ditahan tidak dikeluarkan?
Bukan..tetapi diserap oleh darah, bukan hilang kerana bocor..Tapi bermigrasi ke bahagian atas menuju usus & pada gilirannya akan keluar juga.. Jadi bukan lenyap, tapi hanya mengalami penundaan.

16. Mungkinkah kentut terbakar?
Boleh saja. Kentut mengandung metana, hidrogen yg combustible (gas alam mengandung komponen ini juga). Kalau terbakar, nyala-nya berwarna biru kerana kandungan unsur hidrogen.

17. Bolehkah menyalakan mancis dengan kentut?
Jangan mengada-ada... konsistensinya lain.. Juga suhunya tidak cukup panas untuk memulakan pembakaran.

18. Mengapa kentut anjing & kucing lebih busuk?
Kerana anjing & kucing adalah karnivor (pemakan daging). Daging kaya dengan protein. Protein mengandung banyak sulfur, jadi bau kentut binatang ini lebih busuk. Lain dengan herbivor seperti kambing, kuda, gajah, yang memproduksi kentut lebih banyak, lebih lama, lebih kuat bunyinya, tapi relatif tidak berbau.

19. Betulkah pening kepala kalau mencium bau kentut 2-3 kali berturut-turut?
Kentut mengandung sedikit oksigen, mungkin sedikit saja anda mengalami pening kepala kalau mencium bau kentut terlalu banyak.

20. Apakah warna kentut?
Tidak berwarna.

21. Apakah kentut itu asid atau neutral?
Asid, kerana mengandung karbondioksisa (CO2) & hidrogen sulfida (H2S).

22. Apa yang terjadi kalau seseorang kentut di planet Venus?
Planet Venus sudah banyak mengandungi sulfur (belerang) di lapisan udaranya, jadi kentut di sana tidak ada kesannya.


src : ((Taman2Syurga))

Breastmilk Is The Best

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim...

Wahai ibu2 yang menyusu, kenapa saya suka entry dari blog ini? Ini adalah kerana ayatnya yang mudah difahami dan sangat menarik2 ibu2 utk menyusukan bayi anda sepenuhnya. Jemput2 baca........

Hari ini saya masih mahu tahu tentang kepentingan susu ibu berbanding susu formula. Beribu2 kebaikan susu ibu berbanding susu formula spt SI mengandungi antibodi, enzim, senang dihadam dan lain2, tetapi hari ini saya nak ceritakan point lain yang lebih unik supaya ibu2 maklum dan sebarkan pd yg lain. Di awal kelahiran, susu yang keluar adalah golden liquid atau jeli kuning jernih dan pekat yang keluar dr payudara si ibu. Ketahuilah, penyumbangan kolostrum terhadap baby health tak dpt ditandingi oleh formula milk. Sayangnya jika kolostrum yang hadir sekali seumur hidup ini tak diberi pd bayi atas alasan susu tak cukup atau baby x puas minum, selalu menangis lapar babys-stomach-capacity kapasiti perut baby baru lahir. Kecilkan? so, tak patut sumbat susu atau air banyak2 =)

* So, baby baru lahir tak perlu di isikan perutnya dgn ber oz oz susu. Hanya ini yang mereka perlukan =) Susu formula: Adakah dijual kolostrum susu ibu di pasaraya seluruh dunia? Bayi baru lahir hanya perlu kolostrum, namun syarikat susu formula tak dapat memenuhi keperluan baby baru lahir, tetapi mereka hanya ada rumusan 0-6 bulan sahaja.

Kolostrum merupakan ˜first food™ yang terbaik dan sempurna bagi baby. Ia mengandungi kandungan protein, vitamin A dan E yang slightly higher dr susu matang. Kolostrum mengandungi faktor pertumbuhan (Growth Factor) yang membantu dalam kematangan usus dan mencegah alahan. If susu lembu/formula atau makanan lain di beri sebelum dia diberi kolostrum, makanan tersebut boleh merosakkan ususnya dan menyebabkan alahan serta penyakit lain. Jika air masak diberi pd baby baru lahir, ginjal/kidney nya belum cuckup matang utk handle/kendalikan kuantiti cecair yang banyak akan membebankannya. Ya, this is true! ~ So baby baru lahir tak perlu air masak tambahan kepada kolostrum.

Breastmilk/susu ibu ~ berubah mengikut keperluan/umur bayi: Susu ibu bagi baby premature/tak cukup bulan mengandungi protein yang tinggi utk tumbesaran/berat badannya berbanding dgn baby yang lahir cukup bulan.

Susu ibu~ berubah rasanya bergantung kepada apa yang mamanya makan: So, baby akan diexpose to a different tastes sepanjang hari2 awalnya dan sepanjang penyusuannya.. Bayangkan jika susu formula, rasanya sama setiap hari - mama, adakah anda lalu tekak atau selera makan makanan sama hari2? I dont think so =)

Susu ibu~ berubah dengan cuaca/iklim: Pada hari yg sgt panas, susu ibu mengandungi lebih bnyk air. Dan dalam suhu yang terlalu sejuk, susu ibu mengandungi lebih bnyk lemak. Ya, dlm susu ibu, mama dont have to think and worry about temperature. Its there=)
Susu ibu~ Pada brastfeeding baby, jika ibu terkena pencemaran, pencemaran itu boleh ditapis oleh sistem badan ibu. Jika ibu dijangkiti kuman atau penyakit, sel darah putih dalam badan ibu akan hasilkan antibodi utk melindungi n melawan penyakit/kuman. Dan antibodi daripada jangkitan ibu di ekspreskan/dikeluarkan di dalam susu ibu untuk melindungi bayi pula. So, bila ibu demam/selsema/batuk atau sakit, THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO FEED THE BABY¦

Susu ibu~ mengandungi kolestrol yang tinggi: Sgt tinggi dalam susu ibu, dan TIADA dlm susu formula- yang mana kolestrol sangat penting bagi baby utk build tissue dlm otak dan sistem saraf (nervous system)* bukan untuk menggemukkan baby~ jgn salah faham ye.

Susu ibu~ mengandungi hormon yg unik yang tak terdapat dlm susu formula : high in endorphin- calm baby. Pd si ibu pula, apabila menyusukan baby, oksitosin akan dibebaskan. Hormon oksitosin ni dikenali sbg hormon kasih sayang atau love hormone yang akan sediakan ruang untuk ibu yang baru melahirkan anak utk menyayangi baby. Oksitosin juga adalah sedatif (bahan penenang) semula jadi yang membantu menenangkan ibu semasa menyusu¦ kdg2 sampai tertidur! (yup, saya selalu mengantuk bila menyusu anak =)

Susu formula?

Formula apa ye yang mereka digunakan? Berapa bnyk iron? berapa bnyk protein? adakah protein yang sama? Katalah susu formula menghampiri/menyerupai susu ibu¦ Susu ibu mana yang ada dlm susu formula itu? Susu Mrs. Pitt? Susu Makcik Rokiah? Susu Mdm Shilpa? Perfect sgtkah penyediaan susu formula? Berapa tahun sekali ye mereka ganti tiub/besi/container utk salurkan susu2 dah diproses? Atau tak pernah ganti2? Apakah lembu2 new zealand yang sihat2 tu makan? Adakah betul2 steril walaupun tertutup rapat dalam tin? Kalau steril kenapa ada kes sebegini? Sila klik sini dan sini. dan juga USFDA jugamengakui infant formula can never duplicate human milk dan juga the chemical make up of breastmilk is still unknown. Orang2 yang hebat dalam mencipta susu formula pun masih ragu2, adakah betul ibu bapa malaysia meletakkan kepercayaan pd mereka yang juga manusia biasa?? Sila klik sini untuk bukti apa yang saya perkatakan tadi=) so what is the best: BREASTMILK!

Mama papa semua, saya maklum, tentu pengilang dan syarikat susu benci membaca entry saya ini. Ya, saya akui, income susu formula antara penyumbang kepada ekonomi negara.. Tapi bagaimana pula dgn hak anak kita? Anak akan hidup berpuluh tahun.. Saya tidak boleh bercakap bnyk tentang isu ini, mesti akan di banned atau digam tetapi percayalah.. baby perlu 400 nutrien untuk pertumbuhannya sepanjang 6 bulan hingga 2 tahun. Hanya beberapa nutrien sahaja yang terpapar di tin susu formula. Adakah sama 400? Saya yakin tak muat tin susu tu! : Big grin:

* Saya hanya ingin menyedarkan diri saya dan semua tentang betapa komersialnya susu formula sekarang yang dikatakan senang nak handle bila dh mula bekerja. tepuk dada tanyalah diri sendiri. Menyenangkan kita atau kepentingan anak kita. Pada yang dh give up pada susu formula kerana kekeringan susu, ia adalah disebabkan kurangnya pemberian breast pd anak atau kurangnya stimulasi (tidak direct feed atau mengepam jika bekerja), bukanlah keturunan sebabnya kerana kalau keturunanlah sebabnya, cuba fikirkan keturunan di seluruh tempat di dunia atau di negara perang atau kebuluran. Kuranglah populasi dunia disebabkan keturunan tak cukup susu ini. Susu ibu cukup, cara mencukupkan saja membezakannya. Kepada ibu yang tak berjaya di masa lalu, jgn pandang ke belakang lagi dan azamkan utk yang depan. Pada ibu baru, anda masih ada masa utk perbetulkan. Pada yang bakal menjadi ibu, this is the time to decide and implement! Selamat memberi hak anak2!

* Bonda: Mohon maaf jika ayat saya mengguris mana2 pihak. Saya sgt serius dalam hal ini. Percayalah, anda semua ibu yang hebat!? Saya percaya ibu2 yang dh beri formula milk pada anak bukanlah kerana mereka tidak mahu memberi susu mereka sendiri, tetapi disebabkan kurang ilmu, halangan dr org terdekat seperti suami, ibu, ibu mertua dan kawan2 yang tak supportive.. saya tahu!~ akan saya ceritakan email seorang ibu murni pd saya yang sgt sedih kerana seawal 2 bulan telah memberi anaknya makan nestum dan anaknya dikejarkan ke hospital. Ya, dia telah sedar dan sdg berusaha fully bf babynya. Puan, terima kasih kerana memberi keizinan utk berkongsi tentang cerita puan. Saya sgt bersimpati pd puan dan akan menolong puan sehingga berjaya. Dengan izin Allah.

src : fwd email ((Tmn2Syurga))

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Amazing Interview

One young man went for an Interview.

"When did India get independence?" He was asked.

"The efforts began a few years earlier and final result was in 1947" He replied.

"Who was responsible for our independence?"

"There were so many. Whom to mention? If I name one, it will be a injustice to another." He replied.

"Is corruption the number one enemy in our country?"

"Some research is going on the subject and I can answer with certainly only after seeing the report" He replied.

The interview board was very pleased with his original and thoughtful answers and asked him not to reveal the questions to others, since they were planning to ask the same questions.

When he went out naturally others were curious to know what was asked. He politely declined, but one persistent Santa would not leave him. "At least tell me the answers" he pleaded, and our friend obliged.

Then it was the turn of this Santa. When he went inside, since his resume was slightly illegible, the board member asked him." By the way, what is your date of birth?"

He replied, "The effort began a few years earlier and final result was in 1947."

Somewhat puzzled, they asked another clarification. "What is your fathers name?"

He replied, "There were so many. Whom to mention". If I name one, it will be injustice to another".

The interviewer was incensed.

"Hey! Are you mad or what?"

He replied. "Some research is going on the subject. I can answer with certainty only after seeing the report."

src :

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pepatah Moden! Jgn Gunakan Pd Anak2 Zaman Sekarang!

1. Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kereta pun boleh undur, terlajak kapal terbang takde gear reverse, sori.

2. Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita kahwin lain.

3. Sudahlah jatuh ditimpa pula tangga lepas tu tercium pulak tahi ayam.

4. Alang-alang mandi biar guna sabun & syampu.

5. Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, isteri mati meninggalkan gelang, suami mati meninggalkan hutang. (Itulah...lain kali jangan suruh suami beli gelang secara hutang)

6. Sebab mulut santan binasa sebab mulut juga... nasi pun habis.

7. Biar putih tulang jangan kuning gigi (gosok, jangan tak gosok tau)

8. Kalau tiada angin masakan pokok bergoyang kecuali kalau ada beruk atas pokok tu.

9. Malang tak berbau tapi kentut boleh berbau walaupun tak berbunyi.

10. Biar mati bini jangan mati anak (boleh kahwin lagi ape)

11. Alang-alang menyeluk perkasam biar sampai kepangkal ketiak.

12. Biar korek hidung jangan korek tabung.

13. Berakit-rakit kehulu, berenang-renang ketepian lama-lama jadi letih.

14. Sayangkan anak tangan-tangankan sayangkan isteri kahwin lagi satu.

15. Kalau padi katakan padi, tidak aku ternanti-nanti, kalau sudi katakan sudi, kalau tak sudi.....boleh blah.......

16. Harapkan pagar, pagar pun tak boleh harap.

17. Tempat jatuh lagikan dikenang inikan pula tempat kena saman.

18. Hujan emas dinegeri orang, hujan batu dinegeri sendiri, kalau macam tu lebih baik tak payah hujan.

19. Biar lambat asalkan perlahan.

20. Kalau tiada rotan, pelempang ajelah....

21. Habis madu, sepah jangan dibuang merata-rata.

22. Carik-carik bulu ayam lama-lama jadi bulu tangkis badminton, pasti ayam kebogelan.

23. Air dicincang takkan putus tapi kalau daging dicincang tandanya ada kenduri

24. Kerbau berpegang pada tali, manusia berpegang gunakan tangan....

25. Pinggan tak retak nasi tak dingin, kalau orang tak hendak tandanya kita tak lawa.

26. Takkan lari gunung dikejar, tapi kalau tak kejar pun gunung tu takkan lari jugak.

27. Patah tumbuh, hilang report polis.

28. Berapa berat mata memandang, berat lagi ahli sukan yang masuk acara angkat berat.

29. Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya tak masuk Sukan Olimpik jugak.

30. Kalau ada jarum yang patah jangan disimpan di dalam peti, buang aje beli jarum yang baru.

31. Kalau ada sumur diladang, boleh hamba menumpang mandi, kalau ada umur yang panjang, bolehlah kita kahwin lari.......(nak tak?)

32. Kajang Pak Malau Kajang berlipat, Kajang hamba makan satay Kajang lagi best......

33. Kalau kail panjang sejengkal, belilah kail yang panjang sikit.

34. Kalau takut dilambung ombak janganlah berumah ditepi pantai, buat rumah jauh-jauh sikit dari pantai la ..

35. Pecah kaca pecah gelas, kalau dah pecah tu tak reti-reti nak ganti ke...

Google is No. 1: Search and enjoy

Mountain View, Calif. (Fortune) -- At Google it always comes back to the food. For human resources director Stacy Sullivan, it's the Irish oatmeal with fresh berries at the Plymouth Rock Café, located in building 1550 near the "people operations" group. "I sometimes dream about it," she says. "Seriously." As a seven-year veteran of the company, engineer Jen Fitzpatrick has developed a more sophisticated palate, preferring the raw bar at the Basque-themed Café Pintxo, a tapas joint in building 47. Her mother is thrilled she's eating well at work: "She came in for lunch once and thanked the chef," says Fitzpatrick. Joshua Bloch, an expert on the Java software language, swears by the roast quail at haute eatery Café Seven, professing it to be the best meal on campus. "It's uniformly excellent," he raves.

I found that to be a gross distortion of the facts. The roasted black bass with parsley pesto and bread crumbs had a delicate flavor, superior mouth feel, and a light yet satisfying finish that seemed to me unmatched among the 11 free gourmet cafeterias Google runs at its Mountain View, Calif., headquarters.

Even the vast buffet that is the tech company's campus, however, cannot obscure the obstacles the company is facing. Says co-founder Sergey Brin: "I mean, the cafés have always been pretty healthy, but the snacks are not, and the efforts to fix that have been remarkably challenging." Though company lore has it that Brin and co-founder Larry Page believe no worker should be more than 150 feet from a food source, clearly not all food is equal. "A lot of people like their M&Ms. But the easy access is actually what's bad for them," he says.
Life inside Google

Of course, when it comes to America's new Best Company to Work For, the food is, well, just the appetizer. At Google you can do your laundry; drop off your dry cleaning; get an oil change, then have your car washed; work out in the gym; attend subsidized exercise classes; get a massage; study Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, and French; and ask a personal concierge to arrange dinner reservations. Naturally you can get haircuts onsite. Want to buy a hybrid car? The company will give you $5,000 toward that environmentally friendly end. Care to refer a friend to work at Google? Google would like that too, and it'll give you a $2,000 reward. Just have a new baby? Congratulations! Your employer will reimburse you for up to $500 in takeout food to ease your first four weeks at home. Looking to make new friends? Attend a weekly TGIF party, where there's usually a band playing. Five onsite doctors are available to give you a checkup, free of charge.

Many Silicon Valley companies provide shuttle-bus transportation from area train stations. Google operates free, Wi-Fi-enabled coaches from five Bay Area locations. Lactation rooms are common in corporate America; Google provides breast pumps so that nursing moms don't have to haul the equipment to work. Work is such a cozy place that it's sometimes difficult for Google employees to leave the office, which is precisely how the company justifies the expenses, none of which it breaks out of its administrative costs.

Even people who don't work here like to loiter: The company has become a stop on the world lecture circuit, attracting the likes of Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, and Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus. "You've got to ask yourself why these people are coming here," says 24-year-old engineer Neha Narula. "I think they come here to be energized by the people at Google."

The people at Google, it should be stated, almost universally see themselves as the most interesting people on the planet. Googlers tend to be happy-go-lucky on the outside, but Type A at their core. Ask one what he or she is doing, and it's never "selling ads" or "writing code." No, they're on a quest "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." That's from the actual mission statement, by the way, which employees can and do cite with cloying frequency.
The perks of being a Googler

It's easy for Google's people to be energized, though, when their company is so stinking rich that it continues to ooze cash even while lavishing benefits on its staff. Just eight years out of the garage, Google will surpass $10 billion in sales for 2006. Its operating margins are a stunning 35%, and it ended the third quarter with $10.4 billion in cash. Its stock has soared from $85 a little over two years ago to a recent $483. All of which raises the question: Is Google's culture the cause of its success or merely a result? Put another way: Is Google a great place to work because its stock is at $483, or is its stock at $483 because it's a great place to work?

I'm sitting on a heated toilet in my pajamas. I'm in engineering building 40 at Google on "pajama day," and directly in front of me, attached to the inside door of the toilet stall, is a one-page flier, printed on plain white paper, titled "Testing on the Toilet, Episode 21." The document, which is designed to prod the brains of engineers who test software code, explores such subjects as "lode coverage" and reminds engineers that even biobreaks need not interrupt their work.

Presuming that ones's stay here isn't sufficient to process that lesson, the sheet provides a link to two internal Web sites, http://tott/ (for Testing on the Toilet) and http://botw/ (Bug of the Week). Not being a software engineer, I understand little of what I'm reading. Yet it reminds me of the first two sentences of the now famous founders' letter Page and Brin distributed to prospective Google shareholders before the company's 2004 IPO: "Google is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one." Mission accomplished.

In its earliest days Google was more or less a postdoctoral extension of the Stanford computer science department, from which Page, Brin, and a goodly number of their pals sprang. To this day, they jam employees into shared offices and cubicles and would do so even if Google had more space - because Page, a student of "office flow," likes the idea of recreating that university environment in which he and Brin wrote the first Google search engine.

The two hired a chef early on because it beat heating up ramen noodles.

It wasn't hard for Google's founders to break the rules of a traditional company - they had never worked fulltime at one. Stacy Sullivan, Google's first human resources executive, recalls that the founders came to her on her second day on the job, in late 1999, and suggested that the company convert a conference room into a childcare center. Google employees had a sum total of two children at the time. Though Sullivan eventually convinced them that, because of zoning issues, the conference room was not a proper child-care facility, "they looked at me and said, 'Why not?' "

Google's employment roster is now pushing 10,000, and the company has burgeoning offices in Bangalore, New York City, and Irvine, Calif., among many other cities, but the campus still feels like the brainiest university imaginable - one, however, in which every kid can afford a sports car (though geeky hybrids are cooler here than hot rods). Another similarity to college: New Googlers (Nooglers, in Google parlance) tend to put on the "Google 15" when confronted with all the free food. Here the shabbily dressed engineers always will be the big men (and, yes, women) on campus. Other cliques include the invariably fashion-forward young women and men who work in online-advertising sales; the IBM-ThinkPad toting Stanford MBAs; and the quants - math nerds who toil at making the company's keyword advertising system ever more eerily efficient. Hours are long - typical for Silicon Valley - and it's not unusual for engineers to be seen in the hallways at 3 a.m. debating some esoteric algorithmic conundrum. "Hardcore geeks are here because there's no place they'd rather be," says Dennis Hwang, a Google Webmaster who doubles as the artist who draws all the fancifully dressed-up versions of Google's home-page logo, called Doodles.

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